Alice Liu - Biography - IMDb

It informed her art so much that when she wrote, performed, and produced her alternative rock album with her band, Missing Chunk, Benjamin Strouse of the New York Peekaboo Festival said, " Alice uses her eclectic background to great effect by creating a sound that sets this band apart, even in the diverse NYC scene As part of her role in minority advocacy in the arts, she has spoken at New York area colleges and at the American Museum of Natural History.

She continues to provide technical writing, graphic design, and display design services to select nonprofits. Her "Ten Cents and a Dame" column paid tribute to urban fantasy heroines by demonstrating how the crafting of characters and supernatural archetypes drives humor. On a personal level, Alice is an avid collector of bronze animal chops, letterpress print blocks, and other vintage objects that have stories to tell. As an accidental it just happens!

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